You will be charged for the plan after the admin approves your vendor account
Unlimited products
Unlimited revenue
Vendor microstore
Choose this option if you would to try the marketplace out for a 30 day, no obligation trial period. We'll onboard you and get you selling so that you can explore the benefits of the marketplace today!
Unlimited products
Unlimited revenue
Vendor microstore
If you are a Small Scale Food Processor Association member and you want to begin selling online today, please select this option. Once you register, we'll contact you to onboard your business and get your products online today!
Unlimited products
Unlimited revenue
Vendor microstore
If you are a non-SSFPA member and would like to join the marketplace, please register for this account. We'll contact you for more information about your products and services. Then we'll get you and your business ready to sell your products while taking advantage of our collective marketing power!
© 2021 - 2025 Buy BC Food & Drink (by the SSFPA)